Welcome, nice that you are here!

The successful scaleyou100 concept offers you the opportunity to put your life on the fast track and start your own lifestyle business. 
Ower the last few years, hundreds of women have demonstrated how this concept has helped them to fulfil their dreams. 

You can do it too!

Build your personal lifestyle business!

More than 1.5 billion people are vatic in social networks every day. Millions form their opinions and follow

people who are interesting and with whom they can identify. Thousands of people use social media to build up

their business every day. With scaleyou100, we have a lifestyle concept with which you can build your own

business online as well as offline. Our concept helps you to help others; therefore, you become a role model for many other women.  

Lifestyle business

With scaleyou100 you can start your own business and work independently of location. Living a healthy and

happy lifestyle is our greatest wish for you and your customers! 

Start your lifestyle business!

Your Start

Everything starts with the first step. The first step is the decision to take a new path and master new challenges.

Our scaleyou100 university offers you support as you start to build your own business.

Your team

Once you start your lifestyle business, you help others to lead a healthier and happier lifestyle. In return, you

then begin to build your team, which allows you to have a more significant impact on your own lifestyle


The successful concept from scaleyou100.
For your health and a perfect lifestyle!


“When I first heard about the scaleyou100 concept two years ago, I was pregnant at the age of seventeen and was planning to go back to my job in the pharmacy after my maternity leave. Everything has turned out differently as planned. Thanks to the scaleyou100 concept, I can now work 100% from home and be there for my children.”

  • Are you looking for an additional income?
  • Are you a mother and would like to have more time for your children?
  • Do you enjoy working with people in a team?
  • Do you like traveling and exploring the world?
  • Are you interested in sports and health?


With our scaleyou100 success concept, you can decide for yourself: where you work, how much you work and with whom. You can build up a stable additional income step by step.

Our scaleyou100 university will provide you with a plan and show you step by step on how to build your


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